Chocolate Blitzen Cocktail Recipe

chocolate blitzen cocktail recipe

The chocolate blitzen cocktail may or may not be as well known, but with our recipe it’s about to be! This is a chocolate drink that you don’t want to miss out on, we promise you that. With is smooth chocolate flavour and its alcoholic kick, it makes for a chocolate dessert as well.

Have a go at making this chocolate cocktail within your own home, it’s simple and easy and looks fantastic with the right decoration and garnish. For any chocolate lover, this is the drink you need in your life.

How to make a chocolate blitzen cocktail?

Whether you are preparing a dinner or are having your friends round for a party, make some chocolate blitzen cocktails for your guests, friends and family! They make a cool delight that comes with a kick to make any night even better. Keep them frozen for a delicious dessert or adjust the alcoholic quantities for a party starter, it’s up to you!

Check out some more of our chocolate alcoholic drinks that you can experiment with yourself at home, or get your friends together and have a cocktail making party!

For more amazing chocolate recipes like this one, try our Baileys chocolate martini or a caramel mocha milkshake.

Chocolate Blitzen Cocktail Recipe

chocolate blitzen cocktail

By Nabihah Parkar Published: May 21, 2015

  • Yield: 8 Servings

Chocolate cocktail? Yes it's a thing, and yes we have mastered it and yes now we are giving you the chance to make it for yourself. Our chocolate blitzen cocktail is half a cocktail and half a milkshake, a combination you never thought would be discovered!



  1. Melt the chocolate. Dip the martini or shot glasses in the melted chocolate and then in the chocolate sprinkles and leave the glasses to chill until serving.
  2. In a blender, Mix the other ingredients until creamy and smooth.
  3. Pour into prepared glasses, add chocolate shavings if you wish and serve immediately.

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