The closest you will come to smelling and tasting the Mexican aromas and spices within your own home, by trying our amazing smoky chipotle chicken recipe!
For an exciting and thrilling new dish to brace your dinner guests with, try out our braised short ribs with coffee and chocolate. You'll never regret this!
Take a trip to Mexico with our spicy and exotic chocolate chicken mole recipe! It's got chiles, chocolate and chicken, a deadly combination worth trying!
A healthy alternative for lunch, or a delicious side plate at dinner, tryour white chocolate baba ghanoush recipe today! It is a great mix of exoctic spices.
Been searching for a new and daring recipe to try? Not only is our pumpkin risotto with chocolate glazed ribs utterly yummy, it's a recipe for a real cook!
Sick and bored of the usual lunch and dinner recipes? Try something exotic and full of flavour with our bean chili with chocolate and walnuts! More recipes.