Muffin al cioccolato bianco e arancia


Novembre 20, 2017

Indecisi sullo spuntino pomeridiano? Questi ottimi muffin al cioccolato bianco e arancia sono perfetti per una merenda veloce o una colazione ricca di gusto.

  • Preparazione: 15 min
  • Cottura: 10 min
  • Porzioni: 12 muffin


150 g di Cioccolato bianco

75 g di Burro

350 g di Farina

1 busta di Lievito

2 Uova

250 ml di Latte

3 cucchiai di Zucchero di canna

2 Arance (scorza e succo)


1Riscaldare il forno a 200º.

2In una ciotola, mescolare gli ingredienti secchi: lo zucchero, la farina e il lievito.

3A parte sbattere le uova con il latte e unire il composto agli ingredienti secchi.

4Unire il burro fuso e il succo e la scorza dell'arancia.

5Imburrare i pirottini o lo stampo e versare il composto. Cuocere al forno per 10/15 minuti.

Non vi viene già l'acquolina in bocca a leggere il nome

Your mouth should already be watering as you read the title for this white chocolate and orange muffinrecipe. A great pairing of two delicious flavours that go really nicely together in this chocolate snack. The juiciness of the orange goes perfectly with the sweetness of the white chocolate, making it a great chocolate recipe to try out.

Of all the types of chocolatewhite chocolate is possibly the rarest chocolate to find in cooking and baking, making this recipe even more special! If you’ve had doubts about using it before, it’s time to get over the fear and experiment with our white chocolate recipes.

How to make white chocolate and orange muffins?

This recipe for orange and white choc muffins is very simple and fool-proof. Not much is needed and the steps are very easy. The recipe gives enough muffins to spoil your friends too, or to share amongst the family, making it great for picnics and a weekend snack. Try combining it with one of our chocolate drinks for a special touch.

If you are hesitant about using too much orange, we suggest you add half of the zest and 1/4 of the juice to start. Depending on your preferences, you can then decide to add more as you are mixing the batter.

View much more that we have to offer with our chocolate recipes, some butterscotch chocolate chip blondies or homemade white hot chocolate take your fancy?


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